By Leigh Oslin (Pastor Oz)
Age Level: All ages
Essential Bible Truths is a companion work to use with any Bible lesson for any age you teach. Its purpose is simply to enrich the students’ knowledge and understanding of Bible truth. While not exhaustive, each section offers important essential truths that will establish a foundation of biblical knowledge.
Your goal for teaching doctrinal truth is twofold.
- First, to develop a personal relationship with God through salvation and daily walk
- Second, to cultivate a thorough understanding of basic Bible truths
A biblical method used to accomplish this is parenthetical teaching. Quite simply, parenthetical teaching allows development of important biblical concepts in any lesson.
Six key doctrines are considered.
- The Study of God’s Word – Bibliology
- The Study of God, the Father – heology
- The Study of Christ – Christology
- The Study of the Holy Spirit – Pneumatology
- The Study of Sin – Harmartiology
- The Study of Salvation – Soteriology
32 pages
ISBN 978-1-949721-04-1
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